Certain things require trial runs before you know for sure that they work. For many brides, they may have several hair and makeup trials to determine the best bridal look for them. The same goes for your nails. With so many bridal nail trends, it can be difficult to decide the best one for you, and more importantly, which one will look best with your dress. We answer the question what is a wedding nail trial, and offer tips for you to be prepared for this option in wedding planning.
What is a Wedding Nail Trial?
Just like getting your hair and makeup trials done, some brides may want to partake in a wedding nail trial. Essentially, you would go into a salon ahead of time, with an idea of what you want for your wedding nails, and you would get it done. For some brides, they try out several styles at once, using one finger for each style. Others have an idea of what they want, and just have the one style applied to all nails to find out if it is the best fit for their look.
Depending on how much you want to spend in the wedding planning process, this may be one trial that you wish to skip. In some cases, if you are going with a classic French manicure for your wedding nails, there really is no need to get a trial run, especially if you have a nail salon you usually go to.
If you are having your wedding in a different city, where you are unfamiliar with the nail salons around, a trial run may be a good idea. Unfortunately, all salons are not created equally, and there have been cases of infections, as well as the manicure not staying or worse, turning a different color in a day. To avoid that, make sure you check out the salon and are comfortable going there for your wedding day manicure and pedicure. This will help eliminate any last-minute stress that could crop up.